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Young modulus of a material or the modulus of

Potential Energy to kinetic Energy.


e = 0.7m
m=60 × 10^-3kg = 6.0×10^-2kg
K = 200Nm^-1
W = 1/2ke² = 1/2mv²
1/2ke² = 1/2mv²
V² = ke²/m = 200×0.7²/6.0×10^-2
V² = 98×10²/6
V² = 16.33×10²
V = √1633
V = 40.4
Speed = 40.4ms^-1


(i) Optical fibres have extremely high bandwidth
(ii) They have longer transmission distance
(iii) They have resistance to electromagnetic


It is used in geometric stations used to move a
satellite from low earth orbit into a
geostationary orbit.

Polar orbit satellite is used in earth mapping.


(i) Centripetal force
(ii) Centrifugal force

Ft = mDv
where F = force
t = time
Dv = change in velocity
m = mass of object
Hence F = mDv/t


(i) It can cause short and long term sun burn
(ii)It can cause blindness when flashed to the

(6b) Energy = hf
= 6.60×10^-34 × 4.82×10^14
= 3.18×10^-19J
= 1.99ev


V = 2πR/T
R = 9.6×10^6 + 6.4×10^6 =16×10^6 m
T = 24hrs =(24×60×60)s
V = 2×3.142×16×10^6/24×60×60
V = 1162.96m/s


8a) Mass is the amount of material contained in a body and the SI unit is Kg  while Weight is the force exerted on a body by the gravity of the object. ..Mass is a scalar quantity( It has not specific direction), While Foce is a vector quantity (Its in the same direction with gravity)

Mass is measured in Kg
Weight is measured in Newton
Mass is a scalar quantity
Weight is a vector quantity
Mass is constant
Weight varies

8aii)  Clockwise moment about the pivot.
Moment = Force x Distance
Moment = 250 x 0.75
Moment = 187.5Nm


Lenz's law states that an induced current is in
such direction that it's magnetic effect opposes
the change by which the current is induced.

(i) Magnets are used in construction of
(ii) They are used to store data in computers.
(iii) Used in magnetic resonance imaging

(a) Two coils: So as to produce an induced
current from one coil to the other.
(b) an iron core: To increase the strength of the
magnetic field.


Total resistance in series
Rt = R1 + R2
= 500 + 400
Rt = 900ohms

Taking E = 6v
E = V + ir
E = VR + Ir
E = I ( R + r)
I = E/R + r

taking r = 200ohms
I = 6/900+200
I = 6/1100
I = 0.005A

Hence the voltmeter reading
V = IR
= 0.005 × 200
= 1.09v

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Post a Comment

  1. Job well done but questions 9,10 and 12 are missing there

