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2ai. I. Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling point

II. They conduct electricity when aqueous

III. They are soluble in polar solvents such as water

2aii. Helium is a noble gas with it outermost she'll completely filled with the required number of electrons therefore they do not accept or donate electrons. 

2bi. Industrial waste refers to materials that come out as a residue from industries 

2bii. 1. Recycling of industrial waste

2. Industrial waste can be sold to generate income

3. Some industrial waste can be reused 

4. Industrial waste can be converted to other products

4a.  The law of flotation states that a floating body displaces it own weight of fluid in which it floats

ii.1.   It is erect
   2.  It is actually evented
   3.  It is virtual 
B) i) it improves the health of animals
Ii) it control worms in the body
Iii) to conserve agricultural land
Iv) prevent easy spread of disease
V)  helps sheep to eat more readily

C.) 2H2o+2Na=2NaoH+H2
D)1.  Combustion of fossil fuels 
2.  Bush burning
3.  Deforestation
4.  Urbanization
5.  Industrial pollution

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