(1) population
(3) Government

*(1)POPULATION :* one major  attribute  of a state  is population for a state to exist, there must be a given number of people which has no minimum  or maximum  that will occupy  it.

*(2)TERRITORY :* A state  must possess  a definite  territory  which has no limit to it size .This territory  must have clear  cut boundaries  that will separate it from other state .The term territory  refer to not only hard surface of the earth but other things like  airspace, waterlake,mountains, natural   resources etc

*(3)GOVERNMENT :* A state  must have a machinery  called government  ,that will steer it affairs government  perform  it function  on behalf  of the state .The existence  and survival  of a state  are maintained  by the government

*(4)SOVEREIGNTY :* A state must have the Supreme  power to enable it make and enforces law

*4i)Constitutionalism:-* is a political philosophy based on the
idea that government authority is derived from the
people and should be limited by a constitution that
clearly expresses what the government can and can't do.
It can also be defined as  "a complex of ideas, attitudes, and
patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the
authority of government derives from and is limited by a
body of fundamental law".
Constitutionalism can be also be seen as the doctrine that governs the legitimacy of government action, and it implies something far more important than the idea of legality that requires official conduct to be in accordance with pre-fixed legal rules.
In other words, constitutionalism checks whether the act of a government is legitimate and whether officials conduct their public duties in accordance with laws pre-fixed/ pre-determined in advance. The latter definition shows that having a constitution alone does not secure or bring about constitutionalism. Except for a few states which have unwritten constitutions, today almost all the nations/states in the world have constitutions. This does not, however, mean that all these states practice constitutionalism. That is why constitutionalism is far more important than a constitution.  There are some Features (Characteristics) of Constitutionalism *According to Barnett,* constitutionalism embraces limitation of power (limited government),
separation of powers (checks and balances) and responsible and accountable government.
Another characteristics by  *Henkin* he identifies popular sovereignty, rule of law, limited government, separation of powers (checks and balances), civilian control of the military, police governed by law and judicial control, an independent judiciary, respect for individual rights and the right to self-determination as essential features (characteristics) of constitutionalism.
There exist some  basic elements of constitutionalism which includes:

1. Popular sovereignty

2. Separation of Powers (checks and balances)

3. Responsible and accountable government

4. Rule of law

5. An independent judiciary

6. Respect for individual rights

7. Respect to self-determination

8. Civilian control of the military

9. Police governed by law and judicial control. One example of constitutionalism is descriptive the  use is law
Mr. SoluTion AKA DexamXpert leads while others

*(4ii)Separation of Powers*

The theory of  Separation of powers  state that
,the Legislature , the Executive and the Judiciary organs of government must be made independent of each other in terms of function and Personnel .
It also means that , in other to avoid tyranny and dictatorship, as well as to enhance the liberty of the individuals , no one body of the organs of government must have controlling power over either of the other agencies.
The French Philosopher , lawyer and a Politician , by name Baron de Montesquieu ( 1689 to1755) gave the concept a clear exposition in his book The Spirit of the Laws in 1748.

*(4iii) Check and Balances*

It can be defined as an arrangement for the working of governmental organs in such a way that, each of the three organs exercises some degree of check on the powers of the others in their functions .The "Check" thus stops one power from going too far and the "balance" reconcile one power with the other.


*(1) citizenship by birth:* A person  can acquires citizenship  of a given place/state if he/she is born within territory of that state even  through the parents are citizens  of another country  .For instance  a child en born in Britain U.S.A  Nigeria  parents can claim citizenship  of Britain  or U.S.A  respectively

*(2) citizenship  by naturalization /application :* A citizen  of a country  who has lived in another country  for a long period, for instance  15 years  as in the case in Nigeria, can apply  for citizenship  of the country he resides .Before the application  is approved  by the government  of the country applicant must fulfill other conditions which  vary from country  to country. for example  he must marry a citizen  ,have good characters,must be of good conduct,must be capable  of contributing  usefully to the advancements  and progress of the country

*(3) citizenship  by registration :* This is a method by which women acquire citizenship  through marriage .For instance ,A Ghanaian   woman  married  to  a Nigeria  may register  as a citizen of Nigeria. The woman must reside in Nigeria and should take the  oath of allegiance  and renounce her Ghanaian  citizenship

*(4) citizenship by conquest:* Through conquest after secessionist  struggle  ,citizenship  of certain  individual  may be changed by acquiring a new status .For example .The entire people change their citizenship to that of their new  state after  the secessionist forces had succeeded in carving a new state out of Ethiopia .Also Pakistanis who lived in the old eastern  Pakistan becomes citizens of Bangladish after  a successful secessionist  struggle

I) The African Union Commission overseas the following portfolios: Peace and Security, Political Affairs, Social Affairs, Economic Affairs, Trade and Industry, Infrastructure and Energy, Rural Economy and Agriculture and Human Resources, Science and Technology. In August of 2014, the African Union also became involved in taking action alongside other world organizations to fight the Ebola outbreak that was spreading across the continent.

ii) Improved relations with the industrialized world
Through New Partnership for African Development, the African Union has been able to create a better relationship between the world’s industrialized nations and Africa.

i) A major challenge confronting the AU and its leaders is how to respond to the job and livelihood aspirations of Africa’s youth who account for as much as three-quarters of the labour force in most countries; many have gone to school and attended universities to become productive members of society, but end up being jobless.

ii) Financial Problems
One of the main problems of the African Union is the inadequacy of financial resources to prosecute its objectives. The member states find it difficult to pay their membership dues regularly. This is a spillover from the days of the Organization of African Unity,This financial problem slows down the union’s activities.
(Mr. SoluTion AKA DexamXpert leads while others follow)

Mr. SoluTion AKA DexamXpert leads while others follow
Terrorism is defined as political violence in an asymmetrical conflict that is designed to induce terror and psychic fear (sometimes indiscriminate) through the violent victimization and destruction of noncombatant targets (sometimes iconic symbols).

i).Direct Economic Destruction The most immediate and measurable impact of terrorism is physical destruction. Terrorists destroy existing plants, machines, transportation systems, workers and other economic resources.

ii) Increased Uncertainty in the Markets
Even if you do not live anywhere near terrorist attacks, you might still be negatively impacted indirectly. This is because all kinds of markets hate uncertainty, and terrorism creates a lot of it.

iii) Increased Nationalism and Foreign Skepticism
The final risk to the economy is political risk. Closing down borders to trade and immigrant workers reduces the size and diversity of economic transactions and limits productive resources.

Mr. SoluTion AKA DexamXpert leads while others follow

1) politics can be defined as the activities associated with the
governance of a country or area, especially
the debate between parties having power. It's activities aimed at improving someone's
status or increasing power within an

Politics can also be defined as  the process of making decisions that apply to
members of a group.
It refers to achieving and exercising positions of
governance—organized control over a human
community, particularly a state.


Like other social sciences, political science uses a
“scientific ” approach , meaning that political  scientists
approach their study in an objective, rational, and
systematic manner. Some political scientists focus on
abstract and theoretical questions, while others study
particular government policies and their effects. They includes...

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