Wednesday, 17th April, 2019

Fisheries (Alternative 3 (Practical)– 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (1st Set)

Fisheries (Alternative 3 (Practical)– 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (2nd Set)


Fertilizers used in ponds stimulate the growth of microscopic plants called algae or plankton


(i) Fertilizers are used in ponds to increase the production of the natural food organisms to be eaten by the fish.

(ii)When a fertilizer is added to a fish pond, the chemicals it contains dissolve in the water which have advantage  over cow dung

(ii)The chemicals attached to soil particles may also later be released back into the water slowly, over a long period of time which have advantage  over cow dung


A - Breast feeding
B - Bottle feeding


Breast feeding


A - Breast feeding:
(i) Breast milk helps protect your baby from illness during infancy, particularly tummy bugs and ear infections.
(ii) Breast feeding has lasting benefits for baby's metabolism, reducing the chance of obesity and diabetes, and of allergies like eczema, later.

B - Bottle feeding:
(i) It provides more flexibility in being away from your baby if you have to work, for example.
(ii) Bottle-feeding is easier to delegate when you are tired, allowing you to rest properly and have more energy overall.


Disadvantages of Bottle feeding:
(i) It does not provide the same protection against infections as breast milk
(ii) It is expensive
(iii) Inconvenient while travelling


(i)Smoking cause Premature aging
(ii)Smoking increases the chances of impotence
(iii)smoking lead to Sense of bad smell and taste
(iv)smoking lead to premature death
(v)smoking Increased chance of contacting infections

Fish bag

Making leather

For burn relief
(iii) Fish gelatin obtain from fish skin can be used in the food, pharmaceutical, and photographic industries due to its unique chemical and physical properties

(i) For cutting fishes like head cutting, cutting into steaks
(ii) For chopping of cartilages and tendons

(i) Fish liver oil
(ii) Fish bone
(iii)  Fish Manure
(iv) Fish Body oil
(v) Fish Silage

(i) By washing properly
(ii) Sharpen the blade when blunt
(iii) Always cut on cutting boards


(i)Stick to Designated Crossing Areas
(ii)Look Around Stopped Vehicles
(iii)Determining Fault After an Accident
(iv)Staying Safe on the Roads
(v)Don’t Expect Drivers to See You because driver may be under influence of Alcohol


(i)microcytic anemia.
(ii)normocytic anemia
(iii)macrocytic anemia.


(1) To maintain the physical, mental and social well-being of workers.

(ii) To prevent the unfavorable effects on health caused by working conditions

(iii) To become familiar to occupational environment of physical and mental needs of workers

(iv) To consider the issues relating to industrial safety, occupational medicine, industrial hygiene etc


(i) Wash your hands with soap and water before eating or handling food and after using the toilet.
(ii) When traveling in areas where tapeworm is more common, wash and cook all fruits and vegetables with safe water before eating.
(iii) Eliminate livestock exposure to tapeworm eggs by properly disposing of animal and human feces.

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