Ghana number 6
Ghana no 4
No 4
• France
• Portugal
• The Great Britain
• Organization of African Unity (now African Union)
• Commonwealth of all Nations
• Organization of Islamic Conference/Cooperation (OIC)
• *Benefits in the Energy Sector:*
One of the benefits Ghana derived from her membership of ECOWAS is in the area of energy. In collaboration with other countries in the sub-region, a gas pipeline was, for example, constructed from Nigeria through Benin and Togo to provide gas to power Ghana's power barges for the production of electricity. Today, Ghana is exporting electricity to neighbouring ECOWAS member states and earning foreign exchange.
• *Expanded market:*
The combined population of the entire sub-region has created a bigger and ready market for Ghanaian goods and services. Now Ghanaian companies like Kasapreku, Ashfoam and UT Financial Services, to mention but a few, have all opened branches in Nigeria. Also many Ghanaian goods are being exported to the neighbouring member states. Burkina Faso imports petroleum products from Ghana and this earns Ghana the needed foreign exchange.
• *Creation of jobs:*
Some of Ghana's citizens have found employment at the ECOWAS Commission which they would otherwise not have had. Apart from that, expansion in production of goods for exports to the sub-region has created more jobs for Ghanaian citizens.
• *Benefits from joint ventures:*
Another benefit Ghana enjoys from her membership of ECOWAS comes from her joint venture activities with other member states. Ghana has, for example, collaborated with neighbours along the Gulf of Guinea to construct a gas pipeline to supply gas to Ghana from Nigeria. Ghana has also joined forces with Cote D'Ivoire, Togo, Benin and Nigeria to create the Abidjan to Lagos Highway.
• *Free Movement of Persons and Goods:*
Another benefit from Ghana's membership of ECOWAS is the free movement of persons and goods across member states. Today, Ghanaian citizens can travel to other member states and reside there for 90 days without a visa. This has, to some extent, eased the hustle associated with traveling across the land borders surrounding Ghana.
• *Military Assistance:*
It is believed that any act of aggression directed to Ghana can be contained by the ECOWAS Monitoring Group ECOMOG. The same military establishment of the Economic Community of West African States that restored peace in Liberia and Sierra Leone is capable of restoring peace in Ghana too, should any armed conflict occurs.
*🇸🇱🇸🇱SIERRA LEONE🇸🇱🇸🇱*
*🇸🇱HISTORY 2019🇸🇱*
(i)ICT provides opportunities for the
teaching of historical enquiry, including
the generation and testing of historical
hypotheses and problems, as opposed
to only learning historical facts
(ii)ICT and multimedia fit well with the multi-source nature of history – they
can give a ‘total picture’ and can allow
pupils to integrate evidence into their
(iii)ICT promotes collaboration
between pupils and can contribute to
the development of historical thinking
(iv)ICT helps to alleviate the constraints of writing and allows pupils to concentrate on the specific topic
or discussion – this encourages reflection, analysis and understanding
(v)ICT can be used to help teachers support, or scaffold, the development
of historical thinking and understanding at all levels
Q2a the government ministers and their portfolios are as follows
I) kapr Loya ( minister of Justice and the attorney general of the land)
ii) Kapr Kuma( Minister of finance )
iii)Kapr fenthe ( minister of health and sanitation)
Q2b )
I) The Obai was the Head of State or supreme political figure among the Temne.
ii) He performed legislative, executive, judicial and ceremonial functions.
Iii) The Obai, once elected cannot be removed. The Temne king ruled for life and there was no mechanism for removing a king from power.
Iv) He was not only a chief or king but also a priest who served as a link between the living and the dead.
The Temne had a strong belief that their rulers never died but went back to Futa, their original home and returned in the form of a new person. That was all the more reason why part of his body was mutilated and preserved for his successor. The Obai would only be officially recognized after undergoing the Kantha ceremony. This ceremony was conducted by the Poro society.
1-- the Obai kandeh played a great role in decision making but was not autocratic. He tried to consult his cabinet members or followers before laws are implemented or a decision is made.
2-- He was also responsible for the appointment of cabinet ministers who assisted in several duties. Eg kapr masm( main adviser), kapr soya(defence minister) etc
3--He was the final judge in settling disputes among his followers .
4-- the Obai kandeh has to be informed of the visit of any outsiders to the chiefdom such as a visitor had to pay the usual courtesy call and presents gifts.
The zeal to spread Christianity. Some of the missionaries Wen: dctennlned to ensure that Christianity spread into the interior of the country. especially utter their initial success in the Colony
The desire to abolish the slave trade that was still going on in the hinterland. The missionaries believed that the trade was ungodly and inhuman. and that they had adutytoensure thntitwushrought to mend. The desire of the colonial government to extend her influence into the intetior of Sierra Leone also encomged the missionaries to move into the men. Some of the missionaries were spying agents who supplied information about the political and economic situations of the interior to the colonial government.
The better prepmations made by the missionaries especially from the 18308. They were better pnpmed and had more funds than before.
The competition among the missions to secure more converts and establish greater inuueuce in the interior was also a pushing factor. Evety mission wanted to win more souls to Christianity.
Improvement in the medical field also encouraged the missionaries to move in large numhem than before into the inten'or of Sierra Leone. With the discoveries of the causes and cure of diseases like malaria, yellow fevet and dwemery, they no longer feared the diseases.
The construction of the railway linking the colony and the interior in the late 19‘11 century impmved the transportation system, thus encouraging the missionaries to extend inlantl.
Same obj for all country
*100% CORRECT ✔*
(i)ICT provides opportunities for the
teaching of historical enquiry, including
the generation and testing of historical
hypotheses and problems, as opposed
to only learning historical facts
(ii)ICT and multimedia fit well with the multi-source nature of history – they
can give a ‘total picture’ and can allow
pupils to integrate evidence into their
(iii)ICT promotes collaboration
between pupils and can contribute to
the development of historical thinking
(iv)ICT helps to alleviate the constraints of writing and allows pupils to concentrate on the specific topic
or discussion – this encourages reflection, analysis and understanding
(v)ICT can be used to help teachers support, or scaffold, the development
of historical thinking and understanding at all levels
*)furniture design.
Before producers start producing furniture, they must be designed. Designers have many ideas for furniture in various styles. In recent years, apart from the appearance of furniture, great importance is attached to its functionality. The approved project is sent to the production hall, where the next stages of furniture creation follow.
*) – Selection of materials for the production of furniture .
The furniture production process begins with the preparation of the right material. The most common materials from which furniture is made are wood and wood-like products. Manufacturers of solid wood furniture must first select a tree species. Pine is the most commonly used tree species for furniture production. The furniture is made of oak, beech and ash wood, as well as ebony or cherry.
*) – Shearing and transport.
In the next stage, the trees of selected species are cut out. These works are carried out by qualified woodcutters using specialized equipment. Then the wood is transported to the sawmill. At this point, the wood is cut into boards and transported to the dryer.
*)Drying .
The process of drying wood is extremely important, because it has a big impact on the quality of manufactured furniture. In a situation where the wood is very dry, it dries in the apartment as a finished piece of furniture. Then the deformation process takes place. The standard adopted for the production of furniture is humidity reduced to 8-10%. The use of this standard significantly affects the quality of furniture.
Thank you