Respiratory system helps the animal to absorb oxygen 

(i)Forced air incubator 
(ii)Still air incubator 

(i)Restlessness and isolation
(ii)Sexual excitements 
(iii)Reduced or loss of appetite 

(i)mucus discharge from the vulva
(ii)decreased body temperature
(iii)filling of mammary glands with milk

(i)supporting the weight of the animal


*(Pick any four)*
(i) castration helps to control indiscriminate mating
(ii) It helps the flattening up of the animals
(iii) It leads to higher feed conversion ratio
(iv) It makes an animal to become more docile and easy to handle
(v)It helps to prevent male animal with bad trait from being used for breeding purposes

Isolation is a process of allowing sick animals to rest and recover and prevents disease spreading around the pen, group or wider farm WHILE Culling is a process of removing an animal, especially a sick or weak one, from a herd or flock.It is a reduction of the numbers of an animal population achieved by selectively killing some of its members.

Dehorning is a process involves the removal of the horns of farm animals WHILE Disbudding is the removal of very small or young horns from young animal


Artificial insemination is a fertility treatment method used to deliver sperm directly to the cervix or uterus of an animal in the hopes of getting pregnant.

(i)There is no need of maintenance of breeding bull for a herd
(ii)It prevents the spread of certain diseases and sterility due to genital diseases
(iii)The progeny testing can be done at an early age.
(iv)The semen of a desired size can be used even after the death of that particular sire.

Progeny selection indicates choice of breeding stock on the basis of the performance or testing of their offspring or descendant while Pedigree selection is a breeding technique in which the breeder maintains the records of an ancestry of the cultivar

Inbreeding is a mode of breeding involving two individuals or organisms that are closely or genetically related. While outbreeding is the crossing of plants or animals within a species which are not closely related genetically.

A pathogen is defined as an organism causing disease to its host, with the severity of the disease symptoms referred to as virulence. 

(i) Malnutrition
(ii) Harsh weather conditions
(iii) injury's and poorly treated wonds


avian paramyxovirus serotype type 1 (APMV-1)

infected birds' droppings and secretions from the nose, mouth and eyes.

Coughing and sneezing

Slaughter and bury infected bird.

 More coming

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