1. Physical fitness consist of…. components.
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
E. 2

2. Which colour of flag is used to indicate a valid jump in pole vault?
A. Black
B. Red
C. Purple
D. White
E. Yellow

3. The movement order in volleyball game is….
A. anticlockwise.
B. clockwise.
C. backward.
D. kicking.
E. dreaming.

4. Volleyball game was invented by….
A. William G. Morgan.
B. CarISfielez
C. Fredrick Ludwig Jalin –
D. A.I Halsted
E. Jalin Basedow

5. Which of the following is NOT a health consequences of drug abuse?
A. Drugs damage vital organs of the body
B. Increase the risk of injuries and accidents
C. It makes one insane
D. Problem of discipline
E. Solves life’s problems

6. Non contact sports are less energy consuming while contact sports is…. nature.
A. strenuous
B. weak
C. happy
D. single
E. dancing

7. Dumping of refuse in the river is an example of… pollution.
A. air
B. light
C. noise
D. soil
E. water

8. One of the following is an example of non-contact sports.
A. Badminton
B. Basketball
C. Handball
D. Boxing
E. Football

9. A standard athletics oval is made of… lines.
A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. 6
E. 4

10. …is an example of a folk dance.
A. Reggae
B. High-life
C. Disco
D. Atilogwu
E. Rap

11. Throwing events are for sectors while jumping events for….
A. track.
B. oval .
C. running.
D. pitches.
E. sectors.

12. A relay race is a…. event.
A. individual
B. contract
C. team
D. sports
E. double

13. Ignorance and superstition on health matters fall within which determinant?
A. Environment
B. Health services
C. Heredity
D. Nutrition
E. Style of living

14. World Health Organization was founded in the year
A. 1948.
B. 1947.
C. 1946
D. 1945.

15. The following are the support you can give an aging person except….
A. economic support.
B. emotional support.
C. physical support.
D. social support.
E. spiritual support.

16. The art of floating and moving in water using the arms, legs, and torso is known as…
A. canoeing.
B. boating.
C. diving.
D. swimming.
E. water polo.

17. A let in volleyball game means….
A. Reserve.
B. Deuce.
C. Draw.
D. Point.
E. Game.

18. Volleyball was introduced into Olympic in the year
A. 1966.
C. 1964.
D. 1963.
E. 1962.

19. ………. are diseases that can be contacted from people, places, through air, water, food and insects,
A. Communicable diseases
B. Contact diseases
C. Disease on water
D. Diseases
E. Transit diseases

20. The Hockey pitch is… in shape.
A. circular
B. circumference
C. ova
D. rectangle
E. triangle

21. The crip, dribble and push-pass are basic skills in the game of….
A. badminton.
B. cricket.
C. hockey.
D. lawn tennis.
E. table tennis.

22. The goal keeper wears …during a hockey match
A. boots
B. helmet
C. jersey
D. shin guard
E. stick

23. Which of the following terms is used in the game of hockey?
A. Heading
B. Scooping
C. Spicking
D. Traveling
E. Throw-off


INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1 (a) What are communicable diseases?
(b) List FOUR micro-organisms that cause communicable disease.
(c) State THREE ways of preventing communicable diseases.

2 (a) Draw a large Hockey pitch and label the following area: i The length and breath in metre
ii The centre line
iii. The 22.9m line
iv. The striking circle

(b) List FOUR equipment needed by a hockey player.

BECE PHE Objective Answers 2018
1. E
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. E
6. A
7. E
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. C
13. E
14. A
15. E
16. D
17. D
18. C
19. A
20. D
21. C
22. B
23. B

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