
*(1.) You’re in control*
Owning your own business provides you with full control over every aspect of your company and allows you to structure your work environment the way you want it. Rather than having to report to someone else or follow preexisting rules and policies, you're able to make those decisions yourself. You can set your own goals, find work-life balance and create your own vision.
*(2.) You’re more passionate about what you do*
Whether you're starting your own company or freelancing, self-employment allows you to engage in work that interests you. You have the opportunity to turn your passion, hobby and strengths into a business and make money doing something that you love. Rather than turning over your ideas to an employer who may not have the same vision or passion that you do, you can fully attend to those ideas and bring them to life without any limitations.

*(3.) You make your own work schedule*
Being self employed allows you to create your own schedule and decide when and how much you work. In the beginning, it's common for self-employed individuals to spend many hours building their business, which could mean working overtime or on weekends.

However, the flexibility that comes with being self-employed allows you to take time off or go on vacation when you want to without having to request or wait for approval. It takes a lot of motivation, dedication and discipline to push yourself when you have the freedom of creating your own schedule.

*(4.) You choose your own coworkers*
As you grow your business, you can decide whether or not to expand your team. Being self-employed allows you to choose people whose values and work ethic align with your own. Having control over who you work with can make various work processes more enjoyable, enhance the collaborative process and increase productivity.

*(5.) You have creative control*
Working for yourself allows you to be as creative as you like without the limitations that can come with working for an employer. Building your own business is inherently creative and provides the freedom to shape each component as you'd like, including your mission, standards, policies, values, branding and target audience. Being self-employed also allows you to design and sell a product or service that you can feel proud of.

*Advantages of a Line Organization*
(1.) Simple to work
(2.) Economical and effective. It also allows quick decisions and efficient coordination.
(3.) Conforms to the scalar principle of organization. Further, it promotes the unity of command.
(4.) In a line organization, the responsibility for the performance of tasks is fixed upon definite individuals. Therefore, there is accountability of delegated tasks.
(5.) There is excellent discipline in a line organization due to unified control and undivided loyalties.

1. To create a stable level of employment

2. Implementing social change

3. Creating inspiring and innovative solutions

4. Working as your own boss
5. No boundary to work on
6. Will help by members of society




*(1.) You’re in control*
Owning your own business provides you with full control over every aspect of your company and allows you to structure your work environment the way you want it. Rather than having to report to someone else or follow preexisting rules and policies, you're able to make those decisions yourself. You can set your own goals, find work-life balance and create your own vision.
*(2.) You’re more passionate about what you do*
Whether you're starting your own company or freelancing, self-employment allows you to engage in work that interests you. You have the opportunity to turn your passion, hobby and strengths into a business and make money doing something that you love. Rather than turning over your ideas to an employer who may not have the same vision or passion that you do, you can fully attend to those ideas and bring them to life without any limitations.

*(3.) You make your own work schedule*
Being self employed allows you to create your own schedule and decide when and how much you work. In the beginning, it's common for self-employed individuals to spend many hours building their business, which could mean working overtime or on weekends.

However, the flexibility that comes with being self-employed allows you to take time off or go on vacation when you want to without having to request or wait for approval. It takes a lot of motivation, dedication and discipline to push yourself when you have the freedom of creating your own schedule.

*(4.) You choose your own coworkers*
As you grow your business, you can decide whether or not to expand your team. Being self-employed allows you to choose people whose values and work ethic align with your own. Having control over who you work with can make various work processes more enjoyable, enhance the collaborative process and increase productivity.

*(5.) You have creative control*
Working for yourself allows you to be as creative as you like without the limitations that can come with working for an employer. Building your own business is inherently creative and provides the freedom to shape each component as you'd like, including your mission, standards, policies, values, branding and target audience. Being self-employed also allows you to design and sell a product or service that you can feel proud of.

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