It’s obvious that Charlotte Bronte, in her novel Jane Eyre has deliberately created the
heroine Jane Eyre, to refute the traditional Victorian inherited views on women and
attempts to convey her own views about women, and their rights. Her new views, and
vision on women are considered by some scholars as feminist. Feminism is a range ofsocial
movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define,
establish, and achieve the political, economical, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
Cambel and Sarah have state that: Feminism represents the idea that societies favor the
male point of view and that women in those cultures are treated unfairly. Efforts to change
that include combating gender stereotypes and seeking to provide women with equal
educational and professional opportunities for men.
In her novel Jane Eye, Bronte creates female characters to send her messages and conveys
her point of views on Victorian conventions of women, she uses a first person narrative to
help readers see the characters and listen to their real and true problems. During the time
that Jane Eyre was published in 1840th, it was conventional in Victorian societies and in
every social class that women were inferior to men and were mistreated, and they don’t
have right to vote or to express their opinions.
Bronte gives her readers a heroine, Jane, who’s strong, passionate and she is capable of
expressing her thoughts and fighting for her rights. Her characteristics are completely
different from those of real Victorian women, who were oppressed by men. She shows a
lot of things that are done by Jane and were not allowed for Victorian women to do them.
The conventional notion displays women as dependent, weak, and sullen; Jane is totally
opposite of those traits and images. She is a strong, and a passionate woman, she has
already left a strong impression on readers when they first seen her at the beginning of the
story when she was a child. In the opening of the story she had a fight with her cousin.
Here is the dialogue between Jane and the maid:
“What shocking conduct, Miss Eyre, to strike a young gentleman, your
Benefactress’ son! Your young master.”
“Master! How is he my master? Am I a servant?”


Renaissance period and John Milton
John Milton was an outstanding poet who wrote sonnets such as “On Shakespeare” and “On His Blindness. ” He also wrote poems such as “Comus” and “Lycidas. ” Milton is most known however, for the epics that he wrote. Some of his major epics included “Samson Agonistes” and “Paradise Regained. ” His most famous work is the epic “Paradise Lost. ” Milton was inspired in much of his work by the Bible. He felt that the Bible alone contained everything people needed to know for the practice of true religion. Milton’s epic, “Paradise Lost,” takes the story of Adam and Eve from Genesis and turns it into a 10,565 line poem.

Paradise Lost” is set in the Garden of Eden during the time of Adam and Eve. Milton tries to convey in this epic that God did not create the evils of the world but Adam and Eve did when they disobeyed God’s word. Milton argues that God gave people free will and that it is their decision to choose good or evil. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God they chose evil and must accept their punishment and make the best of the life that is left to them. Milton believes that while Adam and Eve have lost paradise for all of mankind, it can still be attained through Jesus Christ.
John Milton is sometimes called the Great Puritan poet because much of the prose works that he wrote supported the Parliamentary Party which insulted many non-Puritans. These people labeled him a Puritan as well because he shared some of the same beliefs as the Puritans. John Milton was not in fact a Puritan and he rejected all religions. Milton believed that while the Christian religion was the most important matter in life, it should only involve God, God’s word and the individual human being.

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