Solution to Q4


1.Mirror - Diaphragm- Hole - Eye piece 

b. Human - Nuclues 
Bacterium - Cytoplasm/Flows about freely in the cell 
Virus -Nucleus 

c.The biceps and triceps are antagonist pair of muscles that occur at the elbow joints.For the elbow to bend the biceps contracts and become shorter and thicker whiles the triceps relaxes and become lengthened and thinner.This produces a pulling effect on the ulna which is raised.

d. Proper disposal of refuse 
2.Supply if treated water 
3.Pollution should be controlled or prevented 
4.Prevention and control of infectious disease 
5.Promotion of good health through education on sanitation and person hygiene 
6.Provision of sanitation facilities and proper disposal of waste 

e. Main method of reproduction 
2.Fertilazation is 

f. They have a multicellular rhizoids 
The gametophytes grows from a protonema that may be prostate or erect 
The stem is surrounded by thin spirally arranged leaf-like structures.
They lack true roots, stems or leaves due to absenceof vascular tissues 
Their sporophyte is small in size 

g.kenkey is produced from fermented corn dough.The maize is milled and mixed with some water to form dough which is allowed to stand for three days and beyond to ferment.Various kinda of microorganisms are involved in the fermentation process. Wild yeast occurs on the maize grains for raising and fermentation to occurs.

Solution to Question 3

3a(i) Photosynthesis: is the process by which simple ingoanic substances, water and carbon dioxide are combined in the presences of sunlight and chlorophyll to form complex organic food substances such as glucose where oxygen is given out as by product. 

6CO2 + 6H2O >>>>C6H12O6 + 6O2

3a(ii) Experiment to show that light is necessary for Photosynthesis 

Apparatus/ materials : Fresh green leaf, black paper (carbon paper ) ,iodine solution 


1. Fresh green leaf which is attached to parent plant is selected 
2. Both surfaces of the leaf is (upper and lower part) are covered with strips of black paper. The tip and base of the leaf remain expose to sunlight 
3. The experiment is set up for early in the morning before sun rises 
4. Later in the afternoon, the leaf is plucked off the plant 
5. The strips of black paper are removed and the leaf is immediately tested for such using the method used to test for starch 

Draw diagram of 2 leaves 🍃 

Only the exposed parts of the leaf turn blue-black with iodine solution. This portion that was covered with black paper remains colourless 

The results show that no Photosynthesis or stack formation can occur in leaf if sunlight is absent though essential factors such as water, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll may be present.

 The waste products of a plant are carbon dioxide, water vapour and oxygen. While carbon dioxide and water vapour are waste products of respiration, oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis. These waste products are removed through stomata in leaves and lenticels in stems and are released into the air.

3b Constipation: condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened faeces. 
It's caused when a person fails to drink more water after eating , eating dry food like bread, lack of exercise , insufficient intake of roughage and fibre. 

It can be presented when one take in more water, do alot of exercise, avoid intake of dry food .

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