1. (a) Name any three Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools that are used in the study of the history of Sierra Leone.
Digital archives and databases
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Online research journals and e-books
(b) Identify any four shortcomings associated with the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the study of the history of Sierra Leone.
Limited access to technology and the Internet in rural areas
High costs of acquiring and maintaining ICT infrastructure
Digital illiteracy among researchers and historians
Potential for data loss or corruption due to technical failures
2. Outline any five functions of the Shambo among the Sherbro in the pre-colonial era.
Serving as intermediaries between the people and the supernatural
Presiding over important ceremonies and rituals
Acting as custodians of cultural traditions and histories
Mediating disputes and maintaining social order
Advising the community on agricultural and fishing activities
3. In what five ways did the coastal people of Sierra Leone benefit from their contact with the Europeans before 1800?
Introduction of new goods and trade items such as textiles, iron tools, and firearms
Establishment of new trading opportunities and economic growth
Exposure to new technologies and agricultural practices
Access to European medical knowledge and treatments
Opportunities for education and literacy through missionary activities
4. Identify any five political effects of Samori Touray's activities in Sierra Leone.
Displacement of local populations due to warfare and raids
Creation of alliances among local chieftains to resist Samori's advances
Strengthening of military organizations and tactics among local groups
Disruption of traditional political structures and hierarchies
Increased involvement of European powers in local politics to counter Samori's influence
5. (a) List any three leaders of the Nova Scotian Rebellion of 1800.
Moses Wilkinson
Boston King
David George
(b) In what four ways did the Nova Scotians contribute to the development of Freetown as a Colony?
Establishment of a structured settlement with streets and public buildings
Introduction of skilled trades and craftsmanship, enhancing local infrastructure
Participation in the administration and governance of the colony
Promotion of education and religious activities through schools and churches
6. Identify any five reasons that were responsible for the strained relationship between the Krio and the colonial administration in the 19th century.
Discrimination and marginalization by the colonial authorities
Conflicts over land and property rights
Differences in cultural practices and social norms
Political exclusion and lack of representation in governance
Economic disparities and competition for resources
7. Identify any five factors that led to the Sierra Leonean Civil War in 1991.
Widespread corruption and mismanagement by the government
Severe economic decline and unemployment
Marginalization of rural populations and ethnic tensions
Influence and spillover of conflicts from neighbouring countries
Lack of democratic processes and political repression
8. Identify any five criticisms levelled against the 1951 Constitution of Sierra Leone.
Lack of sufficient representation for Indigenous populations
Concentration of power in the hands of the Governor
Insufficient protection of individual rights and freedoms
Exclusion of women from political participation
Failure to address economic inequalities and social justice
9. Outline any five challenges that affected the effective operation of the Mano River Union (MRU).
Political instability and conflicts within member states
Economic disparities and lack of integration among member countries
Weak infrastructure and poor transportation links
Insufficient funding and resources for joint initiatives
Divergent national policies and lack of coordination among member states
*The Sierra Leonean Civil War, which lasted from 1991 to 2002, was a complex and multifaceted conflict that was influenced by various factors. Here are five key factors that contributed to the outbreak of the war:*
*(1) Ethnic and tribal tensions: Sierra Leone is home to several ethnic groups, including the Mende, Temne, and Fulani, among others. These groups have historically had different political and economic interests, which led to tensions and conflicts between them. The Mende ethnic group, in particular, felt marginalized and oppressed by the ruling APC party, which was predominantly made up of Temnes and Fulanis*
*(2) Economic factors: The country's economy was heavily dependent on primary commodities such as diamonds, which were controlled by a small elite. This led to widespread poverty and inequality, fueling resentment and discontent among the population.*
*(3) Political instability: The APC government was authoritarian and corrupt, leading to widespread dissatisfaction among the population. The opposition SLPP party, which was predominantly made up of Mendes, was banned from politics, further exacerbating ethnic tensions.*
*(4) External interference: The war was also influenced by external actors, including neighboring countries such as Liberia and Guinea, as well as international corporations involved in the diamond trade. These actors fueled the conflict by providing support to different factions and exacerbating ethnic tensions.*
*(5) Historical grievances: The war was also influenced by historical grievances, including the country's colonial history and the exploitation of its resources by foreign powers. These grievances fueled a sense of national identity and resistance among the population, which further exacerbated ethnic tensions and led to the outbreak of the war.*
*(1) Economic exploitation: The colonial administration often exploited the resources of Sierra Leone, which was detrimental to the Krio community's economic interests. This exploitation led to resentment and tension between the Krio and the colonial administration.*
*(2) Cultural suppression: The colonial administration often tried to suppress Krio culture and traditions, which further strained the relationship between the Krio and the colonial administration.*
*(3) Political marginalization: The Krio community was often marginalized politically, with limited representation in the colonial government. This lack of political power and influence further exacerbated the strained relationship between the Krio and the colonial administration.*
*(4) Land disputes: Conflicts over land ownership and usage were common between the Krio and the colonial administration in the 19th century. The colonial administration often sought to acquire land from the Krio community for various purposes, which led to disputes and tensions.*
*(5) Language barriers: The Krio language, which is a creole language spoken by the Krio community, was not widely understood or recognized by the colonial administration. This language barrier further strained communication and understanding between the Krio and the colonial administration.*
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