

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Four (4) Questions In All, At Least One (1) Question from Each Section. We Have Section A, B & C




Joshua gathered all Israel to Shechem and told the people their history from Abraham to Moses, He emphasized God’s abiding faith with Israel making them owners of the land of the Amorites. He reminded them of the saving acts of God. in their history, With all these favours, they must serve God and put away all foreign gods, Alternatively, they should decide on whom to serve, Joshua told the people that as for him and his family, they would serve the lord, The Israelites also said they would put away other gods serve the Lord, Who had been faithful to them, Joshua reminded them that God is Holy and jealous, He will not forgive their sins/unfaithfulness should they forsake God they would be punished, He told them not to break their promise, They must put away all false gods and serve God with sincerity, Joshua wrote down the laws of God, put a stone to witness, should they deal falsely with God.



(i) Joshua was a man of humility.

(ii) A Man Of Faith And Trust In God.

(iii) His ways of life as a role model for his people, 

(iv) His ability to convince and advise the people to accept his views. 

(v) A Man Of God's Word.

(vi) He was a good political leader.

(vii) His courage to call the people together



Naboth, the Jezreelite had a vineyard in Jezreel near the palace of Ahab the  king of Samaria. Ahab wanted this vineyard from Naboth to use it for a vegetable garden because it was near his place. It proposed to exchange it for another vineyard or, if Naboth desired, he would settle him with money. Naboth refused both offer. He said to Ahab, “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my father.” This statement annoyed Ahab. He lay down on his bed, turned away his face and refused to eat food. When his wife Jezebel learnt from this, she comforted him and promised that she would surely give him Naboth’s vineyard. The promise, she hoped to accomplish through crime. Jezebel, a wicked and devilish woman, quickly plotted how to destroy Naboth and take his vineyard.

Jezebel wrote a letter in Ahab’s name and sealed it with his seal. In the letter, she directed the elders and the nobles who dwelt in the same city with Naboth to proclaim a fast and set Naboth among the people, with two base flows against him. The fellows should bring a charge against him saying that he cursed God and the king. The instruction was carried out. Naboth was killed and the people reported back to Jezebel that Naboth was dead. She went to her husband (Ahab) and said: “Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the - Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive but dead.” 



(i) Everyone should be satisfied with what he or she has.

(ii) People in authority should not over ride others of their right and possessions

(iii) Everyone should love one another and care for and not crave for one another properties.

(iv) People should avoid negative influence on their decisions.

(v) Everyone should have the notion that little is better with blessings than many with curse.



Josiah was eight years old when he began to reign. He reigned for thirty-one years in Jerusalem. He did what was right in the sight of God because he walked in the ways of his grandfather, David. He showed much interest in the things of God. One of his first assignments was the repair and the renovation of the temple. It was during his reign that the book of law was found I. The temple by the priest, Hilkiah. When the book of the law was found in the temple by Hilkiah, the high priest, the book was read to Josiah and when he heard the content, he rent his clothes as a sign of repentance because he knew that they had transgressed. This propelled him to carry out more reforms. Josiah sent Hilkiah, the priest, Saphan, the secretary and others to inquire of the Lord through prophetess Huldah, the wife of Shallim. The prophetess told them of the decision of God to proclaim punishment upon Judah. 

For King Josiah, the Lord said that because his heart was penitent and he humbled himself before the Lord when he heard the word, his eyes would not see evil and he would be gathered to his people in peace. King Josiah summoned all the elders of Israel and read to them the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the lord. King Josiah stood in the temple’s pillar and made a covenant to walk with the Lord and keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statues with all his heart and. with all his soul. 



(i) He ordered the priest to bring out all the vessels made for Baal and Asherah and burnt them 

(ii) He deposed the idolatrous priests whom the Kings of Judea had ordained to burn incense in the high places of the cities of Judea and Jerusalem. He also brought out Asherah from the house of the Lord and burnt it. 

(iii) He broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes. (Cult prostitution was a situation where the idol priest made love with some women with the deceitful belief that the sexual act would cause the god of fertility to make the land fertile) 

(iv) He defiled Topheth to prevent people from burning their sons of daughters as sacrifice to Molech. He further removed the horses the Kings of Judea had dedicated to the sun. 

(v) Josiah carried out his reforms up to the northern Kingdom; he removed the shrines of the high places that were in the city of Samaria which the Kings of Israel had made.




As Jesus went further after calling his first four disciples(Peter, Andrew, James, John), he saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax office. He called him and the man followed him. Later the man made a feast in his house and Christ was there with many other tax collectors sitting at the table with him. This made the Pharisees murmur against Christ that he was eating and drinking with tax collectors and Sinners. To this allegation, Christ replied; “Those who are well have no need of physician, but those who are sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but Sinners to repentance.”  Thus, Levi, also called Matthew, was the fifth disciple to be called according to the gospel of Luke and other synoptic gospels. 



(i) Jews sees tax collectors as sinners

(ii) They see them as reminder of Roman domination.

(iii) They see them as unclean.

(iv) They see them as backsliders and betrayers.

(v) They see them as tool of foreign(Roman) oppression.




(i) Joseph of Arimathea was a rich and respected member of the Council/Sanhedrin.

(ii) A good and righteous man/secret disciple of Christ who was after the Kingdom of God.

(iii) He was aware that it was against Jewish custom to have a dead body on the cross over night.

(iv) He approached Pilate and requested for the body of Christ for burial.

(v) Pilate, been assured of Jesus' death, released the body.

(vi) He wanted to bury Jesus because the next day was Sabbath.

(vii) Joseph took the body of Christ and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud/cloth.

(viii) Afterwards, he laid the body of Christ in his own new tomb, where nobody had ever been laid.

(ix) He closed the entrance of the tomb with a great rock, and departed. 


(i) THE ACTIVITIES OF THE TWO ROBBERS (MATT. 27: 38 & 44, LUKE. 23:39-43)

(i) Two robbers were crucified with Jesus, one on the right and the other on the left.

(ii) Matthew records that they joined the Chief Priests and those who passed by to revile/mock Jesus.

(iii) In Mark's account, one of the robbers mocked Jesus, asking, "Are you not the Christ? save yourself and save us".

(iv) The other robber rebuked him pointing out that Jesus was innocent yet was being crucified.

(v) And unlike Jesus, they deserved the punishment they were receiving.

(vi) He pleaded with Jesus to remember him in His kingdom/paradise.

(vii) Jesus assured him a place in paradise. 


(i) It shows that been punished for a crime one had committed is different from persecution.

(ii) Irrespective of our sins, Jesus Christ is ready to forgive us if we sincerely repent/There is need for humility.

(iii) We should not judge others because we ourselves are sinners before God. 

(iv) We should always stand up for the truth irrespective of the challenges we face.

(v) We should not mock the weaknesses of others/ Christians should avoid blasphemy.

(vi) It shows that grace and salvation are needed before one can enter paradise/Need to trust and have faith in Christ who is merciful.

(vii) One should learn to serve one's punishment without feeling castigated.

(viii) We should learn to take responsibility for our actions without shifting blame to others.

(ix) Salvation is available even at the last hour

(x) Dependence on God in times of troubles and challenges.



Saul was a young man born in Tarsus. He was educated in Jerusalem and he studied law under the great teacher, Gamaliel. The Roman name of Saul was Paul He was among the Pharisees who persecuted the early Christians. Stephen was killed under his supervision. After the death of Stephen, he went from house to house in Jerusalem arresting and dragging christians out of their homes and taking them prisoners. Saul succeeded in killing many christians. Most of the christians fled from Jerusalem and went to places such as Judea, Samaria and Damascus among others. Saul went to the high priest and obtain a letter to go to Damascus and arrest the Christians. On his way to Damascus, he heard the voice of the lord saying "Saul who do you persecute me?" After his encounter with the Lord, he went blind but later healed by Ananias. Saul then realized the power of Yahweh and became a convert. Also his name was changed from Saul to Paul. 



(i) There is room for sinner who repents in christ.

(ii) No matter the gravity of the sin committed, Christ still loves everyone.

(iii) Nobody can be condemned totally to sin as man can change at any time.

(iv) Sinners are prominent and important tools to Christ. 

(v) Anyone can be used for the progress of the ministry of Christ.

(vi) Christ overlooks past so as to better the future usefulness of anyone.




(i) They should look after the flock of Christ with tenderness. 

(ii) They should not regard their assignment as a burden, rather, they should discharge their duties willingly. 

(iii) They should not tender the flocks for shameful material gain but eagerness. 

(iv) They are not to be overbearing, but serving as true example/role model to the flock. 

(v) They would reap their

due reward in due course when the Lord comes. 

(vi) Leaders should humble themselves under the mighty hand of God for God to exalt them. 

(vi) They must be sober and watchful because Satan is roaring around looking for whom to


(vii) They should resist Satan at all costs and be firm in their faith. 

(viii) They are to Suffering for christ as part of the Christian life.



(i) Problem of handling the youth. 

(ii) Rivalry between the youth and elders. 

(iii) External opposition form Government. 

(iv) Church finance. 

(v) Tribalism/nepotism. 

(vi) Status of women/gender issue/gay marriage . 

(vii) Doctrinal issues . 

(viii) Declining faith among followers backsliding . 

(ix) Greed/materialism. 



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